Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gearing up

I am on my way to a healthy(er) lifestyle. I have restarted my special K diet (YUM, YUM). I have cleaned up my room, so now I can actually get to my treadmill and use it(and no, it was not being used as a clothes rack). I have printed out my walking/running plan, I still need to pin it up on the wall in front of the treadmill. I also printed out the course plans for the 5k in Disney World, I may pin that up in front of the treadmill too. I am trying to come up with other inspirational things to pin up there as well. I have been contemplating taking before pictures. I am not sure if they would be motivating for me or not, it may just have the opposite effect!! I have been speaking to my hubby about him getting ready to do the the 5k with me, he's not quite on board yet. But I will continue to work on him. Besides he could use the exercise as much as me, his chol was really high last year and this regular exercise could really help. My hopes would be that we could do the marathon as a family as it is called The Family 5k. I love having a goal to aim for!!!!

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