Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day of rest

Boy that is what I needed this morning. Running yesterday was great and I felt good energy wise all day. I was really surprised about that, I heard it could happen, I just never believed it was true. But what I didn't really care for yesterday was how bad my muscles hurt. I didn't realize I had muscles in some of those places. But I took an ibuprofen at lunch and felt much better. I'm not sure what I plan on doing on my off days yet. I'm thinking maybe my 10 min yoga DVD might be good. Staying stretched out seems like a good idea to me!!!
As for hubby, he said he was going to start with me yesterday after dinner, but when I got home form work he said he just could, his hip was bothering him still from bowling the day before. So hopefully today he will, he says he wants to do this with me. It will be nice to have something in common like this!!

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